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I've finally updated my website again

Been a while since I last updated my website in a major noticeable way, and it's also been a long time since my last serious blog post. Changes include:

  • Social links have been changed and moved to the "Socials" dropdown on the nav bar. I need to add some sort of accessibility text to the feed icon though if it doesn't get set already. I included a link to the rest of my social media stuff on another page for the rest of my stuff besides my main things, but that's unfortunately an external link back to my website since I had to do that with the way the rest work.
  • Blog post pages are all under "/blog/" instead of "//blog/". This makes things less weird (still need to update some links pointing to //blog/ links, though, and unfortunately any links I or anyone else made to my blog posts will be the wrong link). Also any comments under the "wrong" blog post page won't transfer, so I manually copied the comments to the real blog posts.
  • All my blog posts are now in the RSS feed instead of the last 10. This is intended for anyone wanting to catch up.
  • RSS feed links now go to the real blog posts since I stopped doing the "//blog/" thing.
  • Fix the sitemap too since it was also affected by the weird "//blog/" thing.
  • Just realized that most of my focus had been on the Tweets archive thing lately, so that's where most of my website changes had been. You can find it under my archived pages and projects thing under the "More..." dropdown on the navbar if you want.
  • Disallowing some "AI" stuff from reading my website as long as they abide by robots.txt.
  • Added an anti-DRM thing to every page if a browser has the web DRM thing.
  • Changed the keywords to not be so redundant.
  • Added a "read more..." link to my blog posts so it's more obvious when there's stuff that isn't shown rather than having to click the title every time.
  • Rearranged and added to the editors page and wrote the main author's name next to each utility.
  • Edited the cheat codes page for the first time in 7 years.
  • Improved the layout on the editors and emulators pages.

And numerous other small changes over the last several years I don't want to go through right now! Glad I took the time to update my website and write this blog post so there's something new for anyone that cares enough to check my longer updates.