ROM Hacks
This is the ROM Hacks page. I have listed the hacks in a bulleted list so that it will be easier to download them. They are now in BPS patch format to keep Nintendo happy, and you'll need FloatingIPS (or something else compatible with BPS patches) to apply them. If you have any problems with me hosting ANY of these hacks, please contact me (drewnaylor_apps AT outlook DOT com) and we can work something out before just reporting these files.
The following hacks are ones that I have made. (Please contact me if you want an older version of the Super Luigi hack):
- Super Drew 64
- Super Messed-Up Drew 64 (This ROM hack is glitchy!)
- Golden Mario 64
- Super Luigi 64 v. 1.8.30
- Super Mario 64D - Dimension Ripper (A prototype of 4D levels in Mario 64; putting a seizure warning on this as it's possible to get stuck in some walls and have the screen rapidly flash due to using Google SketchUp instead of Blender [this is hidden in the video], but otherwise be sure to read the readme as it has a lot of important info on this, and I also made a video on me playing the level and how I made it if you wish to watch it. Something I should probably state is that my custom level that replaces Bob-Omb Battlefield only has two Stars, just so you're not searching all over the place for the rest of them.)
The following hack collection contains hacks that someone else made (I just turned them into BPS patches. I hope they don't mind.) I cannot find them online:
- Invincible Mario 64 - This one is handy if you are not very good at SM64 because no enemies will cause damage.
- Metal (Silver) Mario 64 - This one turns Mario into Metal Mario. Permanently. Until you play a different ROM.
- Speedy Mario 64 - This one causes everything that moves to move faster.
- Download the pack!
If you want to hack Super Mario 64 yourself, you'll have to go look for a ROM, either by physically dumping it from a cartridge or --elsewhere--. If you choose the second option, don't download it from Freeroms because they now put EXE files in the download links for their ROM archive. If you do download a ROM from --elsewhere--, please (No one paid me to say this) purchase Super Mario 64 on the Nintendo Wii or Wii U Virtual Console to show Nintendo support.