This is the Editors page. Remember: none of these are mine. I do not take credit for these tools.
SM64 ROM Manager by Pilzinsel64
Manage Super Mario 64 ROMs; the level editor is mainly intended to be used with custom levels and has its own level importer, rather than with both custom and original levels like in Toad's Tool 64; you can also do a ton of other stuff like add tweaks, change the ROM name, fix the CRC check, and even edit text like Text Wrangler, and there's way more than just that; runs on at least Windows
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Source codeFloatingIPS by Alcaro
Patches ROMs with IPS or BPS patches, and can also create BPS patches; intended for Super Mario World ROM hacks, but also works great for Super Mario 64 ROM hacks; runs on at least Windows, Mac, and Linux
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Source codeSM64 HUD Utility by Keeperofall
Edit the Super Mario 64 HUD (the icons for lives, coins, and stars); runs on Windows
Please note: I can't seem to find this online anywhere, so I'm rehosting it unmodified through OneDrive. All credit goes to Keeperofall.Skelux' website
This website (not mine!) has a lot more editing tools than I listed here. It's the website of Skelux, the person who made the "Super Mario Star Road" hack. Please note that some downloads may not work, in which case, you can visit the alternate link below the main link. The alternate link doesn't only contain Skelux' work, though.
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Alternate link (currently down as of April 1, 2023, I think; not a joke)
Alternate Alternate link (Skelux' forum; might not have an easy way to browse utilities)Other tools at QubedStudios (run by VL-Tone)
This includes the Super Mario 64 ROM Extender (extends ROMs for patching with PPF patches and for use with Toad's Tool 64) and Super Mario 64 Text Wrangler (SM64 text editor); both run on Windows and Mac; may or may not work on modern systems for the same reason as Toad's Tool 64 (but I did successfully use the SM64 ROM Extender at the same time as TT64 didn't work, so that's worth noting)
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These editors were moved here as they don't generally work on modern systems or have newer alternatives that can generally be used instead.
Toad's Tool 64 by VL-Tone
Super Mario 64 level editor; runs on Windows and Mac; sadly no longer works on most modern systems due to apparently Nvidia's driver changes as of a few years before 2023
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