I'm using a different method to generate the RSS feed. UPDATE 5/5/2017.
As the title states, I'm using a different method of generating an RSS feed for this blog, with RSS instead of Atom due to linking issues with the old method. Click on the title to see more.
Previously, my links in my blog feed would appear as in the image below:
But now, I'm just using an XML document to generate my RSS feeds and it seems to be working well so far. Much better than jekyll-feeds. Here's the result of this generator:
I'll have to post more about this in the morning, but until then, I'll be happy that my RSS feed works now!
UPDATE 5/5/2017:
Wondering if I would ever update this blog post? Wonder no more as that's what I'm doing right now! In addition to making the RSS feed actually work, I've also made the sitemap work which will be talked about in another post which I want to write very soon about recent improvements on the site. Until then, you can subscribe to my RSS feed to be aware of any new posts.