Drew's Applications

Drew's App Launcher Version 2.8 Stable released!

Note that this is the 64-bit version and Weebly isn't allowing me to update the title.
I'm really excited to tell everyone that I've released version 2.8 of my app launcher! Remember that I'm not going to use this Weebly site to notify people of updates going forward, so you should probably upgrade as the default setting in 2.8 to pull up the feed I use on the GitHub Releases feed when the user clicks on the "Version History" buttons.

Download here: https://github.com/DrewNaylor/MSOfficeAppLauncherNext64/releases/tag/v2.8

MD5 sum for "MSOfficeAppLauncher64.exe" in the archive: ED214886BF3D37E0B7F0FC5A58387A22
You can use a tool called MD5Check to compare the hashes.