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Archive of my bestest Tweets

This list is sorted oldest to newest and includes my best Tweets from May 9, 2017, at 12:56 PM, through April 25, 2022 (the day I started my Mastodon account). Note that only the first Tweet has the time stated, because it's special (it was my first Tweet). I'm not going to be adding any of my Tweets that were announcing a video or a new version of a program for now until I get everything else done, because that's also on Facebook I know for a fact. Additions to Tweets that weren't there originally are in italics. You can create your own version of this website using my template repo.

profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 9, 2017 (12:56 PM)
Never hit your thumb with a Nokia charging adapter. It hurts.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 9, 2017
I made a Facebook post earlier today and it turns out that I can't edit page posts from the Facebook app anymore.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 9, 2017
I got on my computer to change a single word and this event necessitated a Twitter account which you're looking at right now.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 12, 2017
YouTube's copyright system is perfect and doesn't have problems #withfewexceptions.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 12, 2017
You know, with the ransomware news, I've decided to unplug my PC's Ethernet cable and go jogging, or whatever it's called to not sit down.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 16, 2017
Last night I had a dream that the Master Sword in Twilight Princess was a mini-shovel but it kinda glowed and stuff. It...
(next post joined in archive as reply; link to post)
...still had the power to repel evil, even though it was basically a kids' toy.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 27, 2017
#wakeupatvshow The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Pancake Genius.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 27, 2017
14 photos taken before disaster. Number 42 will leave you speechless.

Or so the clickbait ads go.

Wind Waker Link using the Grappling Hook against an enemy while about to get attacked by said enemy.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • June 7, 2017
My nomination for #ChoiceGamer is @chuggaaconroy. He puts so much effort into his videos and seems like a great person based on the videos.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • June 8, 2017
<Sees that there's a new Bubsy game announced.>

What has this world come to?

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • June 12, 2017
With Apple's new Control Center interface in iOS 11, I'm not even considering moving to iOS anymore. It's too messy and disorganized.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • June 15, 2017
I don't like the new Twitter round icons and bold font. There's even a hashtag for this: #NewTwitter. It's also too flat.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • June 15, 2017
If you don't understand what Net Neutrality actually is, please read this article. It needs to be saved.

Netflix joins Amazon and Reddit in Day of Action to save net neutrality - Ars Technica

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • June 25, 2017
So I'm making myself taco salad and I poured myself a bowl of Doritos instead of scooping out some salad and crushing up Doritos on top.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 4, 2017
I wonder if the next Mario & Luigi game will have us visiting the Beanbean Kingdom of the past inside Bowser exploring the Dream World...
(reply merged into main post because I'm too lazy to find the reply so I grabbed the rest from Facebook)
alongside Paper Mario. I know about the SS remake, but this post is talking about the next major game.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 14, 2017
#BadHorrorTitles Return of the Twilight

You may interpret the source I got "Twilight" from any way you want.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 16, 2017
Must've been a pretty good sale.
TigerDirect had a Daily Deal Slasher sale on Absolutely Nothing and it was sold out when I checked.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 21, 2017
If Google is sticking with the dessert theme for Android codenames, then I wonder if Android P will be "Pancakes from IHOP".

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 24, 2017
#ImNotVeryGoodAt drawing anything better than a stick figure.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 26, 2017
I hope I don't get pressured into buying an overpriced map while I eat my chips and cheese...
Tortilla chip that looks like Tingle's head with the hat.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 27, 2017
Today is release day for Mario Odyssey, so NO SPOILERS! Thank you.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 28, 2017
What is the point of an application like this when you could just rename video files to a .EXE extension instead? For free, I might add.
Screenshot of a Giveaway of the Day email featuring an application called 
            "Video to Exe Converter 1.0". Usually $19.95, it's free today, and its 
            description is "A video file converter that converts video files to executable files."

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 10, 2017
#IamOldEnoughToRemember using dialup on a really slow HP laptop with a monochrome two-line display on the front edge that tells you stuff and Windows XP to download game trials from Nickelodeon. Also the Windows ME "Inside your Computer" theme and wallpaper. Also 3D Maze.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 7, 2017
Important update: I have decided to release Wind Waker Episode 15 at 5:30 PM Eastern on (please upgrade to our Ultimate Social Connection package for only $25.99/day to view this post.) - Comcast, without Title II #NetNeutrality protections.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 31, 2017
I'm not going to work on videos or software until next year as a repeating event will soon occur.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • January 9, 2018
I guess you could say that Microsoft likes... kites.
Screenshot of a Bing Rewards email about India's International Kite Festival

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • January 29, 2018
The latest, greatest, and most powerful


Oh wait, sorry. It's actually called "Windows 10." Or is it called "Android?"

Screenshot of a Microsoft Store email notification on Android 7. 
            Email says "What can you experience with a PC?". It's important to note that I used Windows
            at the time on my main desktop, so by Microsoft's definition, I already used a PC.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • February 4, 2018
#MyTwoWordNightmare Real clowns.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • February 4, 2018
So, what's with all the articles about football?


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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • March 1, 2018
It's no longer February.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • March 3, 2018
Today is the one year anniversary of the Nintendo Switch being available for purchase.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • March 3, 2018
Speaking of Nintendo, looks like Nokia wants to be like them.
Screenshot of the Nokia website for their Android phones. A listing for The
            Nokia 6 from 2017 is visible next to one for "The new Nokia 6".

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • March 10, 2018
I want to Point out how much Power Microsoft Word gives the user as it's pretty great. I also want to make OneNote about how Word Excels at being easy to Access for those who may not be the best at using computers. The Outlook of the future of Microsoft Word is bright.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • March 11, 2018
House of Ancient Egyptian Artifacts That Aren't Mentioned Much After the Season They're Important In. #makeatvshowboring

(House of Anubis, specifically how the Tears of Gold aren't mentioned after season 2 or so.)

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • March 12, 2018
Don't get too far ahead of yourself now, Microsoft. Remember what happened with Vista being too taxing on standard hardware of the time?

(Yes, I know this is probably just UTC, but I wanted to kinda poke a bit of fun at Microsoft.)

Screenshot of Windows Update on Windows 7 showing a Microsoft Security Essentials definition update
            being published on March 13, 2018, when the system clock shows it's March 12, 2018 at 8:29 PM.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • April 3, 2018
I can't wait for the Microsoft Arc Touch Mousephone to replace landlines! Wait...
Screenshot of an ad with the Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse and the text, 
            "Are (censored; location) Landlines Done? See the Replacement

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • April 19, 2018
#OldThingsIWantBack Windows Movie Maker 2.1/2.6. 2.1 was for Windows XP and 2.6 was for Vista users who couldn't run 6.0. They're very similar. Windows Live Movie Maker wasn't as good partially because of how the timeline was moved from the bottom to the right side.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • April 19, 2018
Has anyone else seen this on Facebook's website today? I'm on Firefox 59.0.2 and it just kinda showed up when I opened a notification by middle-click.

After clicking "Reload in Debug Mode" for the first time, the window area became thinner as seen in the middle images.

Screenshot of Facebook showing a "Data Plugins Debugger"
            button that when clicked, shows a hard-to-read popup that says,
            "Data Plugins Debugger" for its title with a close button next to it
            and a link that says, "Reload in Debug Mode".
            Clicking it changes the text to "Reload in Non-Debug Mode"
            after reloading the page I think (I can't remember now when I'm writing this),
            and at some point the popup became more horizontal and the title displayed

(note: this post did get a reply from someone else who noticed the button, if you were curious)
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • April 19, 2018
A long time ago on August 3, 2012, I decided to start making a Windows XP theme. Just now, I decided to see how it looked in ReactOS and this is the result.

I don't really know how to make Windows themes, but I tried to make one based on the Luna theme.

ReactOS with a customized Luna Blue theme. I changed the checkbox and radio button
            images to have the check/dot be blue instead of green, and tried to
            get the window close button to be blue too, but it doesn't look right.
The actual images I injected into the theme. Even changed the progressbar image
            and the balloon_close image to be ice-themed too, and overall, everything but the ice close button
            looks good. Note that I overlayed the real images on top of the thumbnails in Paint so they're
            better quality.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • April 22, 2018
#IJoinedTwitter because I couldn't edit a post on my Facebook page from the Facebook app on my phone, so I had to use my computer to edit it. There were a lot of other reasons, but that was what made me actually make a Twitter account because I was tired of Facebook's bugs.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 5, 2018
Last night, I had a dream that I was at someone's house and they had a still-sealed from the factory plastic shrinkwrapped bag with the Star Wars: Battlefront 2 EULA inside it. This "EULA" was actually tips for different Zelda: Breath of the Wild sidequests.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 7, 2018
It was something along the lines of me in the future only ever being able to get a job flipping burgers at McDonald's. Another person tried to make me think it (my autism [retroactively editing the last word because at the time I wasn't aware of how the guy that came up with the other common diagnosis was a nazi]) was an ability, not a disability. Needless to say, I haven't talked to either of them in about 4 years.
(link to something I quote-retweeted but is no longer available so I have no idea what it said)

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 7, 2018
#ISuccessfullyCompleted all the MyMathLab assignments in both Math 090 (Beginning Algebra) and Math 104 (Intermediate Algebra) with a 100% score. Sometimes I would stay up until 6 AM trying to get all the 090 ones done before the deadline because there were so many hard ones.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 7, 2018
You know, I used to wonder what the "phone companion" aspect of Project Andromeda could be, but then Microsoft showed off the "Your Phone" app with phone text messages and notifications during a mock meeting at the 2018 #MSBuild conference on day 1.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 8, 2018
Is it sad that one of my favorite new features shown off at Google I/O 2018 is the new multitasking menu (Recents) design that looks kinda like Windows Phone and also shows most of the app's window in the menu?
"Android P" #io18

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 8, 2018
Microsoft: "Windows 7 end of mainstream support means no new features."

Also Microsoft: "Windows 7 is also getting MSIX support in addition to Windows 10."

I seriously wonder why they didn't mention 8.1 since I think it's still in mainstream support.


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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 11, 2018
It is time.

But not quite yet because I have something else I need to do first.

I could have saved some money and bought a 500 GB 860 Evo and a 2 TB HDD to store large files on, but my 1 TB drive is currently a bit of a mess with VMs and videos that I don't want to risk losing.

A box for a 1 Terabyte Samsung 860 EVO SSD sitting on top of my computer
            next to a Corsair mounting bracket box.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 19, 2018
As of right now, here's my opinion on some portable device OS's I've used before:

Windows Phone 8.1 > Windows Phone 8.0 > iOS 11.3.1 > Android 8.1 > Android 7.1.1 > iOS 6 > 3DS OS > Firefox OS (wait, when did I use Firefox OS? was it in the simulator Mozilla had?) > Windows CE 3.1 > Windows 10 Mobile.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • June 8, 2018
This post didn't age well.

quote-retweet of my post about never moving to iOS; jump to original post

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • June 14, 2018
The other night, I had a dream where I learned that the way to remove malware from an external hard drive was to plug it into a computer that didn't have software on it that would immediately remove the virus. It was very important that the computer had time to scan it first.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • June 17, 2018
Been about four years (since I've seen him last, which is a good thing. And I don't ever have to legally see him again ever since I turned 18.) #WhyMyDadRocksIn4Words

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • June 17, 2018
To be honest with everyone, I don't see the point of it when he's a terrible person. Mothers Day is much better, especially when she understands your needs even though you haven't been diagnosed with autism (again, I didn't know the guy who named the other diagnosis was a nazi at the time of posting) yet when you were only a few years old. #FathersDay

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 10, 2018
Surprisingly powerful in the air even with a floaty jump while not very good on the ground. Except that he has a very powerful move if done while in contact with the opponent. This move does more damage on the ground, but can be done in the air. #ExplainACharacterBadly
Luigi in Super Smash Bros. Melee doing his Up+B against Mario while in the air
            above the Peach's Castle stage.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 11, 2018
I wonder which piece of the Triforce this is.
Mint chocolate chip ice cream with a triangular-shaped chocolate piece being
            held up for the camera with a spoon.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 19, 2018
Wondering why I haven't posted anything myself lately (except for the Internet Defense League Tweets Twitter "app" thing)? Well, I wrote this on my Facebook page:

(link to my Facebook page explaining my absense; post is copied below)

Click to view the full post copied from Facebook. I didn't want to post this, but I know how much my friends liked Mitty and I figured that I should post this before too long so that people know why I haven't been posting anything on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Vimeo. I also didn't want to post anything until this particular post was public. I've already cried a lot (and still do), so I think I'm ready to post this. I'll get to birthday posts after this is up; Mitty is still more important to me personally.

My last post on Facebook and Twitter was on August 11, 2018, at 1:36 AM and it was a picture of ice cream (not that it matters). I decided to post that image before going to bed in case I didn't get a chance to later because of a delay. Well, I was delayed.

Later that day (August 11), Mitty was having trouble standing up on her own. Eventually she was able to run over to the chair and jump up onto the table to look outside. She had been laying down on the shelf in the back bathroom and I was concerned that she hadn't been eating or drinking water since she looked sick and complained when my mom touched her stomach area. Because of this, my mom and I got her some soft food (she couldn't easily eat the hard food) and a bowl of water and she ate while purring, then she drank some water.

I thought she was fine because she ate and drank water (quite a bit of both), so I sat down on the couch to watch some YouTube videos and my mom sat down in the chaselounge. However, several minutes later, I started hearing cat food falling on the floor and it turned out that Mitty was falling onto her side and couldn't get back up on her own.

My mom brought Mitty over to the chaselounge and I went over and sat down on the end of it. A few seconds later, Mitty crawled over to my lap and laid across it. At this point, we decided to take her to the vet to see what was wrong. I thought it was that she was constipated because she hadn't been using the litter box for a few days (based on what I could tell).

As it turned out, her liver was failing due to liver toxicity, likely because of using chemical flea treatment on her twice over the years. Last time we used it (several years ago), she started getting seizures sometimes.

When my mom got back home, she put Mitty on my lap and I covered her up and slept with her all night and talked to her a lot, telling her how much she meant to me as well as my friends. At one point when she was having trouble moving her head around, she managed to look back and up toward me. She left on August 12, 2018, at 8:13 AM. Afterward, I had to change my shirt because her bladder didn't hold everything in, but that didn't bother me.

She was 12 years old and I got her as a kitten in June/July 2006 (wait, I think she was born in 2005 and was 13 years old but I forgot while writing this) from my preschool teacher. My mom and I came up with her name with the possibility of her being a mitten-footed cat, but she wasn't one, though I kept the name. She was the prettiest calico cat I'd ever seen, and her fur was really soft, almost like silk.

I made sure to take a lot of pictures of her over the years, and she's my profile picture for almost every account I have online, except for my personal Facebook account (that's myself [not anymore, it's Luigi again, which was my original Facebook profile picture]), Steam (I'm still using the default image), my second YouTube channel (that has a picture of myself, again [not anymore either, I changed it to another picture of Mitty in late 2019 I think]), a few other email accounts (including a public one on my website), and my website's favicon (that one is of Mario because my old website was mostly about games and stuff [not anymore, I changed it to my main profile picture I use for like Mastodon and YouTube at some point]). I even took the time to give a nice blur to the main picture I use in Photoshop for my Dailymotion banner and dealt with getting sick to my stomach for something that people won't look at for more than five seconds (it took me maybe 30 minutes, more or less).

I also made sure to put her into as many of my videos as made sense, so when she was in my way a little during one of them (I think it was the Admin Batch Scripts video), I took a picture of her and put it into the final video. That'll be hard to watch when archiving it to Vimeo.

Additionally, I made a theme on my old laptop of pictures of Mitty and that theme shows up in one of my oldest public videos on YouTube. My Lumia 830 also features a picture of her with a surrounding blur as the lock screen image.

I loved her probably more than anyone else would be able to guess, and I know that my friends and family (the people in my family that I'm comfortable with) also liked her a lot. I don't know about the general public's opinion of her was.

I didn't know anything was wrong until that Friday when her nose was white instead of pink, and I didn't want her to be scared of any of my friends or family and have her try to jump down and hurt herself or hide under the chair without being able to be near me for the last night. Her being scared is why I didn't invite anyone over, I'm sorry if you wanted to see her. Chuggaaconroy knew that his cat Teddy was having trouble for about 20 days before he left, so Chuggaaconroy went to friends and family so that they could see Teddy.

If anyone wants to know more, I might make additional posts with more information that I feel comfortable with sharing. I can also post pictures of Mitty that I have, in addition to the one on this post and the ones I've already posted.

Mitty on the top of the drier. She's a beautiful long-haired Calico cat
            with green eyes. I miss her every day.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 20, 2018
#MyDadUsedTo be a decent person.

Still haven't seen him in about three and a half years, and I don't care.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 28, 2018
#WhenJekyllSleepsMrHyde... Also sleeps. Because they're the same person.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 2, 2018
#TheresGotToBe a destinyyy...

(I wish this hashtag was "#ItsGotToBe" because then I'd write "#ItsGotToBe my destinyyy...")

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 2, 2018
#DontComplicateThingsBy writing text to a WPF textbox inside a UserControl in a Windows Forms app using the WPF Host Control thing unless you really need to do this. It's not very fun getting it to work. I've tried. I'm not even sure if all the phrasing is correct here.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 2, 2018
#INeedABeginnersGuideTo understand some mistakes. Otherwise, I just don't know what went wrong! Especially when dealing with lightning.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 11, 2018
• Hello!
• And... good-bye!

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 11, 2018
• Come wel to house my. #HowNotToGreetGuests

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 12, 2018
Remember: If you're on a metered connection, don't go over your limit by "dowloading" too many files while installing Office 2019.
The file string.txt inside the Office 2019 Home and Student Retail image's Setup.exe file has a typo
            that says "dowloading" instead of "downloading".
            The block of text it's in talks about metered connections and being sure you won't
            be charged or exceed your limits by "dowloading" a large amount of data.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 23, 2018
#EverybodyShouldGet the opportunity to buy a version of Windows 10 that DOESN'T have telemetry/spyware and forced automatic updates.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 23, 2018
Cats are so cute.
Two longhair ragdoll cats laying next to each other on the kitchen table while looking outside. One's
            named Grey Kitty and she's a blue-point mink while the other is much larger named
            Boy Kitty and he's a seal-point mink. They're both mostly shaved because we had a flea
            problem at the time.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 25, 2018
#TheresNoBetterTherapyThan checking a specific area in the corner of a tent over and over to see what strange glitches occur.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 29, 2018
Discover Card commercial. #RealMagicIn3Words

(Nah, not really... unless the background music is counted...)

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 29, 2018
"Pudding? Wait... PUUUDDIIINGG." #RealMagicIn3Words

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 29, 2018
This calico, Mitty, always will be my favorite. #NationalCatDay2018
Mitty in a cat bed on the top of the drier looking outside.
Mitty laying on top of the drier while looking at me
Mitty rolling around and looking at me while laying on the kitchen table. She looks really cute
            and this image shows that her front paws have black "sleeves" of fur with white paws
            while one back leg is mostly black with some orange and the other leg is mostly orange
            with some black, with both back paws also being white.
Mitty yawning and showing her teeth while laying on the kitchen table.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 29, 2018
This "operation faithful patriot" thing doesn't seem very faithful to real American patriotism, which includes helping people escaping from danger.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 31, 2018
Anything that doesn't cause an entire town to go insane over a stuffed animal. #MostNeededSpell

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 31, 2018
I've always liked "Transportium Nextorbitorium", though it's only ever gotten me from one side of the room to the other. #MostNeededSpell

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 31, 2018
Levitation and general teleportation would also be beneficial. #MostNeededSpell

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 31, 2018
Today, I present Dr. Frankenkong's Monster.

Asked for a comment on the matter, Dr. Frankenkong responded, "Oook OOOK ook."

Screenshot of Donkey Kong in Super Smash Bros. Melee under the effects
            of a Super Mushroom (thus causing him to be larger than usual temporarily)
            and standing underneath a floating wooden platform in such a way that
            it looks like it's going through his head like Frankenstein's Monster.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 31, 2018
#WhenTheClocksGoBackI don't really care unless it's a clock that doesn't adjust for Daylight Savings Time automatically, such as the stove, my mom's vehicle, or my Nintendo Wii.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 1, 2018
#PostYourRosterUltimate Luigi. That's it. Unless I have to use red Luigi, in which case I will.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 1, 2018
I made this website in 2013 or so, and now it's hosted on my GitHub Pages site so that anyone can see it:

Mitty website

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 2, 2018
Something I just realized: November 1st is the Day of the Dead. Nintendo had a Smash Direct November 1st. The single player adventure mode was revealed to start with everyone but Kirby dead. Good one, Nintendo.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 2, 2018
Does anyone else dislike the Cisco DPC3216 modem that Charter gives out? Mine keeps needing occasional reboots (two today) even after being replaced twice, so I bought a Netgear CM600. My UBEE one never did this until it failed.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 3, 2018
#OurCountryNeeds a leader who isn't a disgusting pig. Sadly, that's an insult to pigs.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 5, 2018
They are very good. #DoughnutsIn4Words

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 6, 2018

Content warning: last guy with an image of him in a screenshot Get your ugly, orange, no-good face out of my YouTube ads.
Screenshot of a YouTube ad for the last guy. Image is his face he
            uses as his Twitter profile picture, and the title says, "Stand w/ Trump".
            There's a button that I assume goes to his website and has the label,
            "Add Name" in all-caps.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 7, 2018
I'm really happy that Governor Rick "I-didn't-know-the-Flint-River's-water-was-bad-publicly-even-though-I-did-know-privately" Snyder is being replaced by a woman as governor. Rubs some extra salt in the wound in addition to her being a Democrat.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 7, 2018
Is it bad that I didn't know that Dana Rohracacher and Beto O'Rourke were male until I saw their portraits early this morning/last night?

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 7, 2018
I'm not sure how keeping a microphone in your hands when someone tries to remove it from your hands while you're asking a question is assault.

"Jim Acosta"

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 8, 2018
Public Shared Function FeedingMultitude
Dim Fish As Integer = 2
Dim Loaves As Integer = 5
Dim TotalFish As Integer = (Fish * People) + Extra
Dim TotalLoaves As Integer = (Loaves * People) + Extra
Return TotalLoaves.ToString & TotalFish.ToString
End Function

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 8, 2018
Give an option in the Visual Studio Designer and in code (VB, too) to make it so that double-clicking on Windows Forms labels doesn't copy their text to the clipboard. It's fine for debugging, but sometimes is unnecessary. #WhatWouldBasicJesusDo

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 8, 2018
Another thing: default Option Strict On for new VB.NET projects targeting a recent framework version. #WhatWouldBasicJesusDo

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 9, 2018
Good news: A judge blocked the Keystone XL pipeline.

Judge blocks Keystone XL pipeline | The Hill

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 9, 2018

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 11, 2018
Happy Veteran's Day!

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 12, 2018
Happy Veteran's Day (Observed)!

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 13, 2018
Furnace of Interest. #FurnitureAShow

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 15, 2018
The Dewey Decimal System is actually very useful for advanced surveillance systems to encode social security numbers for the people who use/build it.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 16, 2018
My Micro Horse #MinimizeAFilm

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 16, 2018
Landspout #MinimizeAFilm

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 16, 2018
Star Wars: The Slightly Similar Characters Wars #MinimizeAFilm

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 16, 2018
T. the Terrestrial #MinimizeAFilm

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 16, 2018
Average Mario Bros. #MinimizeAFilm

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 16, 2018
Grid and Grid Refreshed #MinimizeAFilm

(note: this is supposed to reference The Matrix and The Matrix Reloaded)
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 17, 2018
#YouSaidToBeCool your last name should be Finch and you should build a machine that keeps watch of everyone. It has a relevant list of people who may be the victim or perpetrator of a dangerous crime and encodes the peoples' social security numbers with the Dewey Decimal System.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 17, 2018
Lafcadio: The Ion Who Shot Back #RemoveALetterSpoilABook

(I've never actually read this one, but I figured one of Shel Silverstein's books would be neat for this, and this was the first one that I could find on his Wikipedia page that seemed to work well.)

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 22, 2018
This Thanksgiving Day, I'm thankful that my mom got custody of me in 2011 (or just before) instead of the other person (who I haven't seen since 2015) having custody of me. #thankful

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 24, 2018
Having Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" play inside your head for no apparent reason. True story, I'm not joking. I thought it was funny when it happened, though. God has a sense of humor that can be a bit hard to understand at times. #BadWaysToBeWokenUp

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 24, 2018
#OnlyMyPetKnows how it felt to have liver failure.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 26, 2018
This may be interesting for anyone interested in pen testing and stuff:

Humble Book Bundle: Cybersecurity by Packt

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 26, 2018
#IfAtFirstUDontSucceed resume from your last savestate.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 27, 2018
"Graduates from (your IP address area) are revolutionizing a multi-billion dollar industry". What's funny about these ads is that they usually just combine different pictures of a few people in front of a picture of a brick wall. #AdsForWhereYouLive

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 28, 2018
"Ain't" (in "Standard American English"; sorry, I wasn't aware that there were other lists of English rules at the time) and "Willn't" (I assume for any version of English but don't know). #IncorrectAbbreviations

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 28, 2018
ASD: A Serving of Doughnuts. #IncorrectAbbreviations

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 2, 2018
I didn't think I would have to worry about thunder storms in December.

("The wind blows hard in December...")
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 4, 2018
Don't collude with Russia. #SuccessIn4Words

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 4, 2018
Avoid every disgusting coin. #SuccessIn4Words

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 4, 2018
Not obsessing over books. #SuccessIn4Words (When the fate of the world is at stake and your mentor wants you to make some friends instead of reading dusty old books)

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 4, 2018
"Thank you so nice-a!" #SuccessIn4Words

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 5, 2018
The first thing I thought of when I saw this hashtag was the "Deal or No Deal for Nintendo DS" vlog from StephenVlog. #DealOrNoDeal

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 7, 2018
It would be neat if "The Ultimate Show" from Super Paper Mario was in Smash Ultimate as one of its songs. That way it would have an extra ultimate component.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 7, 2018
Starting today, it's now possible to have a pink puffball fight an electric mouse, on-the-go, IN HD (720p).


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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 8, 2018
#WhenTrumpOpensHisMouth he lies.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 9, 2018
There's no such thing as a parallel universe. #FakeSuperMarioFacts

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 9, 2018
You can't beat Odyssey without jumping. #FakeSuperMarioFacts

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 13, 2018
I see. #NationalCocoaDay

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 14, 2018
#IHaveBeenToTheDarkSide... except not really, because I haven't been to the Moon Kingdom since before I beat Odyssey. Although I have turned to the "rare" side... Internet points if you get that last one.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 14, 2018
Always push Z or L right before hitting the ground from a large height. Alternatively, if you can't manually jump at any time, press A and hold forward. If you have a glider, use that instead, as long as you're not tired. #ThingsIveLearnedFromFalling

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 14, 2018
Luigi unlocked in World of Light
Luigi unlocked in regular Smash

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 16, 2018
Q: What's one of Sonic's least favorite songs?
A: Redneck Yacht Club ("come on in, the water's fine")

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 18, 2018
"You're being watched. The government has a secret "system": a Machine that spies on you every hour of every day. I know because I built it. I designed the Machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees everything..."

Central Londoners to be subjected to facial recognition test this week | Ars Technica

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 18, 2018
My most memorable moment this year was when I got to spend time with my cat before she left. It's actually not very positive because she's not around anymore. #HappyNewYear #2018Memory

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 21, 2018
The Winter Solstice is waaaay better than the Summer Solstice, for two reasons: 1. The night is cool! 2. Certain characters attributed to it appeal more to me than ones attributed to the Summer Solstice! #WinterSoltice (y typo?) #WinterSolstice #FirstDayofWinter

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 23, 2018
I thought this was about FFmpeg when I first saw this hashtag, rather than fantasy football. #ffnow

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 25, 2018
Merry Cristmas to all and to all a good... morning!

(note: the original post was misspelled and lacked the "H" in "Christmas")
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 30, 2018
How the Luna Stole Daytime #SendAMovieToTheMoon

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 30, 2018
The Nightmare Moon Before Christmas #SendAMovieToTheMoon

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 30, 2018
Left Behind: Termina Force #SendAMovieToTheMoon

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 30, 2018
Death Star Wars: A New Moon #SendAMovieToTheMoon

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • January 10, 2019
It really is tough at times being around people in public, but it helps me to be more focused on my projects. It also helps me to strive for quality in software development, graphic design, and videos. My work's not the best, but it helps. #Autisticandproud

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • January 25, 2019
#YouTubeIn5Words It's less broken than Disqus.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • January 28, 2019
PTSD is really not fun. Being on the spectrum compounds both that and depression. I'm feeling pretty good right now, and have been for the most part since playing a bunch of Smash Ultimate in December. #MyThoughtsOnMentalHealth

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • February 1, 2019
Happy January 32nd to one person in particular! I refuse to acknowledge your birthday. You know who you are.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • February 3, 2019
What is the "super bowl"? What even is that? Some sort of sporting event?

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • March 15, 2019
The last thing you want your advanced AI to call you and tell you is a string of nine zeros, followed by the code "314."

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • March 16, 2019
An artificial superintelligence doing good things doesn't mean it's innocent.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • March 17, 2019
You know, I didn't expect Person of Interest to go from saving specific people to saving the world. The ending was emotional (really good, though), so it may be good that I put it down for a few months and didn't watch past Season 3 Episode 1 in November/December.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • April 5, 2019
The lyrics to Pink Floyd's "Welcome to the Machine" work so perfectly for the Person of Interest scene it's used in even though it was written in 1975. It makes that scene much more emotional than it probably would have been otherwise, but that's not really a bad thing.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • April 5, 2019
It's kinda weird that I left this account as the last-accessed one on my phone's Twitter app, as I now have another one under a different name that I usually use and leave open when closing the app as a result.

(note: I don't know what I mean here, aside from the fact that I have an alt account I usually leave open when I close Twitter; don't go looking for it, you'll never find it and I'll deny it's me anyway)
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 4, 2019
I haven't done something interesting that got caught on a security camera, but I know of someone who did, and their creation didn't think they were being nice when it came around to Day ℝ. #CaughtOnTheSurveillanceCamera

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 5, 2019
Happy Cinco de Mayo! Don't forget to buy plenty of bags of ice to cool down your laptops that you'll use to compress the main code of your artificial super intelligence!


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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 13, 2019
Mother's Day was yesterday, but I forgot to say anything, so happy Mother's Day!

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • June 4, 2019
Apple's only nine years late to having an official dark theme/dark mode on their phones compared to Windows Phone.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • June 16, 2019
So glad I haven't had to see you for at least four years!

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 14, 2019
#TwitterNeedsMore kindness and honesty.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 4, 2019
As it turns out, it's possible to set the back color of the Windows Forms StatusStrip control to literally "Nothing" and it'll look just like it would if its back color was never changed at all.

More details:

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 11, 2019
So today is World Egg Day! Did you know that there's a breed of chickens that lay differently-colored eggs known as "Easter Eggers"? The color they lay isn't known until they lay their eggs. Some lay green eggs, while others lay blue, and some lay pink. Some even lay cream eggs.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 28, 2019 (the middle of the night, after midnight)
Deleting these posts since I couldn't bear to have the LGBT-phobia around anymore, even though it's way in the past now. Forgot about them for the most part until more recently, then they started to hurt myself personally, so deleting them is the best solution.
1/8 (the rest of this thread will be on the threads page; check back for the link to the rest of the thread)

(there were four screenshots here from Facebook [will not be copying them over because they're a waste of space, they hurt my soul, and probably count as TOS on GitHub and Codeberg], three where on June 26, 2015 I shared a really long post showing the top, middle, and bottom of it [didn't even read the post beyond the first line because it was in the way I guess but just kinda went eh may as well and shared it anyway], and one post on June 8, 2016 where I took a screenshot of me putting the mouse cursor over the delete button on an email for an LGBT+ Humble Book Bundle with an edited-in Windows 7 mouse pointer [the post's text said that I'm never supporting this and to note where the mouse pointer is; there are also two comments from me, one where I state (around when I made the post originally, so 2016 sometime) that only two good reading Rainbows that exist, those being the TV show of the same name and a visual pun by the same name and I said the one in the picture is not good, and the other comment I made when the screenshot was taken and I said that "'Never say never' can apply in many cases.")

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 28, 2019 (I went to sleep after the 8-Tweet thread)
Doing much better today. Deletion of live content can make one feel better when they'd rather that content never have been posted to begin with, but all one can do is just keep moving forward and try to fix things when possible. I'm really sorry for posting that stuff originally.
(wow it's so Xenoblade 3/Future Redeemed but years before with the whole "keep moving forward". "We move forward, always ahead.")

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 29, 2019
Not entirely sure if I mentioned this here before, but I have a hotswap bay for my scratch disk SSD and as it turns out, Windows had been defragmenting it. If you're thinking about getting a hotswap bay for SSD use, be sure that defragmentation is off for the SSDs you use.
1/3 (the rest of this thread will be on the threads page; check back for the link to the rest of the thread)

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 28, 2019
I'm so thankful that I haven't had to see that person who's irrelevant to me since 2015! His current wife convinced him that I don't really have an autism spectrum disorder and that I was just spoiled. What's weird is that he's the one who originally wanted me to be diagnosed.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 1, 2019
It's December now, which means it's a reasonable time for Christmas music to start again! This song is one of my favorites and was first introduced to it by my best friend many years ago:
Wizards in Winter - Trans-Siberian Orchestra (YouTube link)

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 31, 2019
End of decade reflection thread:
I don't think I usually do year-in-review-type posts, but since this is the end of the decade, I guess I can. Started off with a rough year that I won't get into, then got into computers much more after that year.
1/? (the rest of this thread will be on the threads page; check back for the link to the rest of the thread)

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • January 20, 2020
Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! He was a great person who did a lot to further civil rights, and it's a shame he was stopped from working more on it.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • January 32 (technically Feb 1), 2020
This is a shame, as RainbowArch Scripts was really amazing and had a lot of cool JavaScript, including some scripts I use on my website.

(screenshot of RainbowArch Scripts [] showing it's offline due to a billing issue; this is one example of why capitalism is bad)

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • January 32 (technically Feb 1), 2020
Just a reminder on your birthday that you have no son/child.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • Feb 2, 2020
Fun fact about today: it's 02/02/2020, which is a palindrome and can be reversed and still be the same thing.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • Feb 19, 2020
As it turns out, my UPS is dead. Actually dead, this time, as it turns off when unplugging it from the wall even with a new battery. Thought it was just a failed battery since it gave me the battery-with-an-X-in-the-middle error, but no. It's being replaced under warranty.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • March 28, 2020
Welcome to the brave, new Corona-world, where your plans of getting your driver's license and beginning something mainly to help your mental health that won't be described further go on pause. Hang in there.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • April 14, 2020
It's amazing what the human brain can rationalize away as being an ordinary pattern of behavior/line of thinking, when it's absolutely not ordinary. That's probably part of how the brain protects us from things, like when depersonalizing while getting tooth fillings done.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 9, 2020
It's been three years since I got fed up enough with Facebook Pages Manager for Windows Phone/the official Facebook app by Microsoft that I decided to make a Twitter account to not have to deal with Facebook as much. #MyTwitterAnniversary
(the three-year Twitter image)

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 10, 2020
Happy Mother's Day! It's court-ordered that the mom gets visitation for the child on this holiday (I don't know what happens when the child has more than one mom, but I'm only describing my situation), so the alternation that's done for other holidays doesn't apply.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 24, 2020
Was really hoping to get some stuff done to optimize my brain's functioning so it runs smoother this year, but that's a lot less likely. Still hoping that it's relatively safe at some point this year to initialize that, as waiting isn't fun and this involves human interaction.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • May 31, 2020
Something that's very important: Black lives matter. (note: I capitalized it in the archive and it wasn't until later that I learned "Black" was supposed to be capitalized as I thought it was meant to be spelled the same as "white" due to being names of colors and I didn't understand that there was more to it than literally just skin color; this was me being ignorant and not intentionally malicious; I would say I was being an ignorant liberal but I had been a full-on socialist since June 2019, beyond what I was when Bernie was running in 2016 and wanted him to win but I thought capitalism was good back then [this means my "celebrating capitalism on July 4th by buying things from the Wii Shop Channel" post text when I posted that part of the series was irony/sarcasm])

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • June 2, 2020
Rubber bands are a valid fictional currency for short films.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • June 2, 2020
In support of the protests, I'm not making any personal announcements via social media today. I know that's easy for me to say, but I did want to announce something, but I won't, because Black (note: I've capitalized the first letter here, but the original Tweet didn't because I still didn't know you were supposed to) lives matter.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • June 9, 2020
Black Lives Matter is still an important topic and movement. Everyone should be treated equally regardless of skin color or anything else they can't control. (see, I learned by this point)

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • June 12, 2020
Remember that not voting is a vote, so if you don't want to vote for trump but you can't bring yourself to vote for Biden, you can just not vote. Voting for Biden would be a better idea since his platform isn't hatred, though.
(my intention here was to reverse-psychology people who don't think voting is worth it into actually casting a vote because technically they are voting by not voting, if that makes sense.)

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • June 19, 2020
Some pretty good stuff happened in the Supreme Court this business week.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • June 21, 2020
Been over half a decade, and honestly couldn't care less.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • June 25, 2020
Some metaphors are purposeful, while others are unintentional. (what did I mean by this?)

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • July 6, 2020
My LP videos don't tend to get anywhere near as many views and as much watch time as my tutorials, but I have more fun with the LPs and it's a lot of work to keep thinking of ideas for weekly tutorial videos.
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • July 10, 2020
Therapist: "Aquamarine-and-purple not-Mario isn't real. He can't hurt you."

Aquamarine-and-purple not-Mario:

Mario from Super Mario 64 with purple overalls and an aquamarine shirt and cap, a green letter 'D' replacing his letter 'M', and a red-and-green texture replacing the whites in the center of Mario's eyes, like a Christmas present.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • July 13, 2020
"Sensory stimuli. ... Strong smells — including ... secondhand smoke and others — trigger migraines in some people." - Mayo Clinic

"it's THe samE smoKe as in a REGular FIre," says a chiropractor. (I made the alternating caps less invasive to hopefully be less troublesome for screen readers; let me know if it's still an issue; didn't know alternating caps was something they struggle with.)

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • July 16, 2020
There's no choice not to install it...
Meme based on the formatting Samaritan from Person of Interest uses when it says 'You Cannot Stop The Inevitable.' where each word is on a different line and there's a red triangle below the word pointing up in the middle of it, and the words are also in a computer-looking font, underlined, and all-caps. There's a white background behind the text, which is black. Below the text is a messagebox asking if the user wants to install UXL Launcher, and the 'No' button is invisible (it showed up after I put my mouse over where it should be, so it was a rendering issue).

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • July 25, 2020
Turns out that a lot of my depression was just from not being in the sun enough, and I just feel very uncomfortable overall while also having a minuscule amount of depression at this moment. It might come back more later, though.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 3, 2020
It would be nice if Facebook didn't bury posts with links in them, considering many of my posts include links. Maybe this is changed now, but something else I do remember is that they started not showing page posts with as much importance as friend posts a while
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 5, 2020
It should be illegal to deny someone healthcare and/or murder someone for simply existing. Unfortunately, some buffoon reversed some healthcare non-discrimination laws a few months ago.
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 6, 2020
The 'Man' meme where the horse is on the beach looking off into the distance at the ocean/lake/sea but it's Wind Waker and it's Link staring at the other side of the Forbidden Woods while inside one of its larger rooms.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 8, 2020
"The best job you'll ever get is flipping burgers at McDonald's." (actually it was "All you'll ever amount to is flipping burgers at McDonald's" now that I think about it)

What a way to instill confidence in your child. Definitely will help them years later when they face various challenges in their life, which they will, because that's how life works.
/sarcasm 1/2 (the rest of this thread will be on the threads page; check back for the link to the rest of the thread)

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 8, 2020
Oh, it's International Cat Day. That's nice.
Mitty sleeping on the router with her paw out.
Mitty sleeping on my stomach with her paw stretched across it.
Close-up of Mitty with her eyes closed.
Mitty in her purple and beige cat bed looking outside.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 10, 2020
Saying that the Windows 10 Start Menu is just like the Windows 7 one is the same as saying that "my bad" is just like "I'm sorry."

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 15, 2020
There are some coin flips that you won't notice they even happened if you win them, but if you lose them, the results could be detrimental eventually.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 15, 2020
More RPGs should have Action Commands where it makes sense; if an attack fails, it should be my fault, not a roll of the dice. This is why I'm not really a fan of RPGs outside the Mario & Luigi and Paper Mario series.
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 15, 2020
Sometimes I wonder if it's common for cats to wake up from a nap and start meowing like they're looking for you while acting more lovey than usual when they do find you. Maybe it only happens to older cats, because I didn't notice it until 2015 or later.
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 17, 2020
Oleandrin, part of oleander, is highly toxic and can kill you. I guess at that point you wouldn't be dealing with the virus anymore, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. But still, don't ingest it, because it's better to be alive than not.
Trump eyes new unproven coronavirus "cure"

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 24, 2020
Facebook Pages Manager could do without the sound effects.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 25, 2020
Getting real sick and tired of seeing the Me Monster (last guy, pretty sure) at the top of the YouTube homepage on the website and the home tab in the app.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 26, 2020
Facebook Messenger has no obvious way to log out on iOS. What a great thing to have in an application.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 27, 2020
Police must stop shooting and/or murdering Black people. Their purpose is to protect and serve, not maim and kill. (this was before I learned that their job is to protect and serve capital, but most people don't know that)

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 27, 2020
Project manager: "Nooo! You can't just ignore the feature requests!"

Programmer: "haha stability fixes go brrrrrr"

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 27, 2020
Saw a petition from Change(dot)org in my email about banning conversion therapy in all 50 states. Ridiculous that this kind of petition is still necessary. It must be banned for the good of humanity, not just in all 50 states, but worldwide.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 28, 2020
One of the best-looking console variants in my opinion would be the PlayStation Net Yaroze. This rare system was a version of the PlayStation 1 that had a dark grey case and accessories, and it allowed hobbyists to write games for it and share them with other people.
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 28, 2020
Either Biden is out-spending the other guy for YouTube app home tab ads, or the other guy gave up on that for now (considering his convention is done). Either way, I'm happy about this.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 28, 2020
Some people seem to think that being bothered by things like lights, sounds, and textures means you're spoiled rather than being autistic. Like, no, that's not what it means.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 28, 2020
Now that the two major conventions are over for this cycle, if you still don't know who to vote for, I don't know what to tell you.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 29, 2020
Masks are great. Not sure why people are whining about wearing them so much.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 30, 2020
Home-grown vegetables taste so good. Store-bought is fine if you don't have access to home-grown vegetables, though.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • August 31, 2020
Super Paper Mario is one of those games where using a low-latency TV or monitor is not optional.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 1, 2020
Hey now, you're a voter; end the nightmare, vote Biden.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 4, 2020
Nothing says you had a heart attack like lying that a nonexistent article claiming you did is false.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 6, 2020
I'm old.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 6, 2020
It would be funny if there were a real antimalware utility that used Microsoft Agent characters.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 7, 2020
It almost feels illegal for the Bros. to still get the first turn in battle even when hit from the back by an enemy on the field when using the A-OK Wear in Bowser's Inside Story DS...
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 7, 2020
YouTube needs to keep their community captions editor, as that helps with accessibility for those that need captions and for people who need a translation. The uploader doesn't always have the time or knowledge of other languages needed to put in captions themselves,
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 8, 2020
Video games are a helpful way for people to escape reality when they need to. Did that a lot myself when I was younger.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 9, 2020
Time is just a way to prevent reality as we know it from collapsing into Day ℝ.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 9, 2020
Anti-mask people be like, "Oh, this mask is too tight; it's going to pinch! Can't you loosen it? Ahh, it hurts and it's too hard to breathe! It's gonna make me deprived of oxygen! The straps are getting uncomfortable! Why do I have to wear it?"

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 9, 2020
Does climate change exist yet?

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 10, 2020
Sometimes it doesn't pay to save money:
Dozens of Amazon's own products have been reported as dangerous -- melting, exploding or even bursting into flames. Many are still on the market | CNN Business

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 11, 2020
Why would someone even do that? Do they not value human life?

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 12, 2020
Wisdom teeth are pointless and our mouths don't even have room for them to come in without potentially digging into the cheek a bit on the corner when you move your mouth like with one of mine, or worse in some cases. Why do humans still have them?

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 14, 2020
If he's not racist or xenophobic, then why is this horrifying stuff happening?
Whistleblower: There Were Mass Hysterectomies at ICE Facility | Law & Crime

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 15, 2020
🇺🇸 Giant Meteor 2020 🇺🇸
Just End It Already

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 16, 2020
The price of delay and incompetence: 200,000+.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 16, 2020
AltDrag for Windows is invaluable.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 16, 2020
Fun fact: Nintendo's (or should it be AlphaDream's? I don't know) description of the Intruder Fangs in Bowser's Inside Story DS is misleading (could have been a mistranslation, though). It implies you do a move twice, but in reality, you seemingly get two full turns.
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 17, 2020
iOS is finally adding things it should have had long ago in version 14, including but not limited to wanna-be Live Tiles and default app settings. What's interesting is the version of Unicode they're updating to includes the lungs, which is quite relevant at the moment.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 17, 2020
"Surfer Dude" should be a voice option for every GPS device and app so people don't have to decide which of the six total variations of male and female voices they should use. Only drawback is Surfer Dude doesn't support spoken street names.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 19, 2020
Children tend to be a lot smarter than some adults assume they are. For example, some adults may think a child can't figure out a computer thing, but they probably can figure it out just fine.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 21, 2020
He really messed me up psychologically. If someone wants their child to tell them the truth about something inconsequential, maybe they shouldn't yell more if the child tells them the truth than if the child lies.
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 23, 2020
"We'll see" is not a valid answer to the question of whether there will be a peaceful transition of power should one be necessary.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 24, 2020
How to make your child feel like they don't deserve various reasonable things: tell them that they don't have autism and that they're just spoiled. This effect will probably continue for years afterward and end up really messing with them.

(If it isn't obvious, don't do this.)

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 24, 2020
Usually they're not both in the box at the same time.
Grey Kitty (a blue-point ragdoll) and Boy Kitty (a chocolate point ragdoll) laying in a cat bed at the same time. They're both looking at the camera. There isn't much room in there as he's so big and he has his paws on top of her kinda.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 24, 2020
Ah yes, cardboard towel.
Paper towel with a small-ish piece of cardboard about the size of a US dime or a penny embedded into it.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 25, 2020
This isn't how you're supposed to carry barrels.
Screenshot of Wind Waker with a character carrying a barrel without touching it properly (hands are too far away).

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 26, 2020
Either YouTube Studio is broken, or they removed scheduling options for :00 and :30.
Screenshot of YouTube Studio showing the scheduling dropdown for the time with only stuff like 4:15 and 4:45.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 26, 2020
Because YouTube Studio is being uncooperative, Wind Waker Episode 19 is going to go up at 5:45 PM EDT on September 26th (today, in UTC-400 and higher, give or take a few hours).

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 26, 2020
Person of Interest is off Netflix :(

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 26, 2020
"Use the option to hold suspicious comments for review," they said. "It works well," they said.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 28, 2020
Sleep is weird. I'll be in bed at night trying to fall asleep, then the next thing I know, I'm awake and it's light out.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 30, 2020
A few days ago I said that all GPS devices and phone GPS software should have the "Surfer Dude" voice available. That's not the only voice they should have, as The Machine's real voice would be cool, too.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 30, 2020
Those pre-packaged frozen cheeseburgers that were available for purchase for lunch at my old school were so good, even though they probably weren't very healthy.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 30, 2020
If 90% of the ads are from the wannabe-dictator, then I might stop watching YouTube on stuff without adblock for a while.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • September 30, 2020
Cloudflare says HTTP/3 will be turned on for my website in the next month since it uses a free plan. Wonder how that interacts with GitHub Pages.
(note: I haven't used Cloudflare for a while; see my blog post on dumping them)

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 2, 2020
"Nice guys finish last" is another way of saying "You can only get first place if you're mean."
(note: here I'm referring to guys who are genuinely nice rather than the "Nice Guys" who are actually horribly spiteful and rude, particularly toward women; the "Nice Guys" behavior was unthinkable to me and not something I was aware of until I learned later that's why people complain about "Nice Guys")

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 2, 2020
Wear a mask and socially distance.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 3, 2020
Turns out I made a mistake and forgot to increase the version number for libguinget in guinget 0.1.2. This means both guinget 0.1.1 and 0.1.2 shipped with libguinget claiming it was 0.1.1, even though it really wasn't.
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 3, 2020

Boy Kitty sitting on top of the cupboard right at the ceiling.
Boy Kitty sitting on top of the fridge with his tongue sticking out, looking disturbed.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 3, 2020
Long-running chains of the Copy Flower were more satisfying and easier to pull off than the Magic Window since the Copy Flower allowed you to get into a rhythm.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 3, 2020
Bowser's Inside Story has a fetch-quest near the end, but it flows nicely as opposed to the one in Dream Team.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 5, 2020
AutoHotKey scripts be like, "tab five times and press enter".

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 7, 2020
Some jokes are only funny when the comedian (or anyone telling jokes, really) is making fun of them (i.e., the joke). Even then, the funny part is the joke being made fun of, not the joke itself.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 7, 2020
PSA: Office 2010 support ends on October 13, 2020 (next Tuesday). If you haven't already, it would be a good idea to either upgrade to a supported version of Office or install and use LibreOffice instead. Do whichever works best for you.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 10, 2020
Ubuntu 10.10 was released ten years ago today.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 10, 2020
This just in: water found to be contaminated with dihydrogen monoxide. Chemists questioned for comment stated that "it presents no harm based on our tests, so everyone can keep using water as they currently are."

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 11, 2020
Considering some of the content in Person of Interest, I'm surprised about where my recommendation came from. I won't say who it was for privacy reasons, but I greatly appreciate them and their recommendation that I should watch it since it has computer stuff I'd like.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 11, 2020
Yesterday was #WorldMentalHealthDay. There needs to be more support and no stigmatization for those who have mental health issues, including but not limited to those on the autism spectrum, people with PTSD/CPTSD (Veterans, abuse victims and survivors, etc.), and minorities (meaning, not necessarily just autism).
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 11, 2020
Windows 8 RTM was so underwhelming to me because I was mainly looking forward to the new Aero theme that was in the release preview.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 12, 2020
cereal when No milk
Corn Flakes in a cup with yogurt on it, a spoon in the cup, and the opened yogurt cup next to it.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 13, 2020
Hummus isn't going places; its main investor is a truly despicable individual. I won't say what he did because that can and will bring up traumatic memories for a lot of people.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 13, 2020
Corn Flakes in a cup with milk and a spoon.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 14, 2020
>"...Not authorized by any candidate..."
>Has a link to a candidate's website.

Uh huh, sure.
(note: this image is larger than I'd like so that the small print is more visible)

republican party campaign pre-roll ad on YouTube that says you can now vote early and has a link to the last guy's campaign website while the fine-print says it's not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee but is paid for by the republican national committee.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 15, 2020
Humble Bundle knows what they're doing putting Worms Armageddon at the $12 tier in the Worms Bundle.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 15, 2020
When I installed you, I suspected you were going to be a great upgrade. What I couldn't have anticipated was that you would become such a good experience. I'm afraid this is where our partnership ends. Goodbye, Office 2010.
As many of the Office 2010 Professional Plus applications as I could open strewn about my desktop.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 15, 2020
The final Patch Tuesday that includes Office 2010 and one of the last to include Flash Player (I assume). Surprised that Microsoft is pushing new Intel stuff from 2017 that I must have missed, as well.
List of updates from Windows Update just after Patch Tuesday, October 2020.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 16, 2020
"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate... leads to suffering." - Yoda

Until I stopped being a bigot, I didn't know just how bad I felt when I was one. It took not being one to notice a difference, and now I feel much better not hating people for no reason...
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 17, 2020
If it weren't for the Internet, I wouldn't have half the knowledge I do now. Not sure if that's an over- or under-exaggeration.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 17, 2020
Six years ago this month, I originally built my current desktop computer. Since I didn't have that much money at the time, it started out low-mid range, but it was upgraded over time to what it is today.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 17, 2020
Looking forward to November 3rd.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 19, 2020
hmm yes thanks, much help
The YouTube app for iOS showing a message bubble above and pointing at the subscriptions navigation button and its text is only a number 0.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 21, 2020
Texas social workers can now be ableist and LGBT-phobic (obviously I implied the +, it's just that "LGBT+-phobic" looks weird), which are both wrong. Both groups often need social workers to help them deal with things in life, and turning them away makes no sense at all.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 22, 2020
Inb4 the cult leader has a meltdown during tonight's debate and starts yelling when he finds out they really did mute his microphone when it's not his turn.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 22, 2020
Well, that was boring.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 23, 2020
Some intra-muscular injections that go into the nerve feel like just a pinch if the surrounding tissue is numb enough beforehand.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 23, 2020
Please vote for Biden like your life depends on it, because it does.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 23, 2020
Woah, it's always the end of the week. Seems like just yesterday I got my fillings done.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 25, 2020
Remember that you can secretly vote for Biden and tell everyone else you voted for the other guy if you're in a situation where it would be an issue for you to vote for Biden.
1/2 (the rest of this thread will be on the threads page; check back for the link to the rest of the thread)

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 28, 2020
Mario has absolutely no mid-air recovery without F.L.U.D.D. in Sunshine (not even a mid-air kick), which makes that iteration of Mario one of the most limited 3D versions.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 29, 2020
Abuse-related trauma moments are when you know for a fact you're right, but you look something up anyway because you could still be wrong and you don't really know for sure if what you're thinking is correct.

Basically, "I'm correct... or am I?"

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • October 29, 2020
I really hate that the existence of a deadly virus and whether masks work is considered political. Thought clean environment being considered political was bad enough, but come on.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 1, 2020
If you haven't voted yet, please remember that Election Day is this Tuesday, two days from now.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 3, 2020
Today is Election Day. Please vote if you haven't already so that this waking nightmare can finally end.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 3, 2020
Sometimes there are people you don't even have to look up to vote against because you despise them.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 4, 2020
Elections would be less stressful without the Electoral College.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 5, 2020
It's really cool when shows evolve their intros over time to include different story changes, or even do special things for specific episodes.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 7, 2020
Well whaddya know, it's past the election and the virus still exists. Guess he's a liar after all.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 7, 2020
I love democracy.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 8, 2020
Happy #NationalCappuccinoDay! Sometimes I want to buy my own cappuccino machine to make them at home, but it'd be too much work to clean. Oh well, at least it's possible to buy real cappuccinos from (non-Starbucks) coffee shops, or at least it was a year ago.
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 10, 2020
It's not supposed to be warm enough to sleep without socks in the upper midwest at this time of year.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 11, 2020
Can't wait to finally capitalize "President" again. Until then, at least I can capitalize "President-elect".

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 13, 2020
Waking up from a dream where I'm using the computer is so disorienting. I think I'm awake and sitting up, but then I'm actually awake and suddenly in bed. Dreams that seem real make that even more disorienting.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 13, 2020
I don't agree with this for security reasons (since binaries can be overwritten easily in a per-user install), but I'm going to make my installers offer installation per-user in addition to installation system-wide.
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 15, 2020
Virus deniers are going to be angry that they can't eat indoors at restaurants or have large gatherings again soon. "Governor cares about people's health, grumble grumble."

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 17, 2020
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga was released on this day in 2003 for North America. This game means a lot to me, and someday I want to describe exactly why that is.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 20, 2020
Finally finished Ocarina of Time 3D after over five years of playing it infrequently, adding up to 42 hours and 52 minutes according to the 3DS activity log thing.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 20, 2020
Never ended up getting or even needing the Ice Arrows, so they were, as they say, irrelevant.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 26, 2020
One of the things I'm thankful for is modern medicine, because without it, I wouldn't be able to use the bathroom without eating prunes every day due to low thyroid function. Other than that, there are too many things to list.

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 27, 2020
Caught me off guard, but I'm glad to see that HandyWinGet-GUI looks way better in its 2.0 beta than it did previously. Haven't tested it yet, but I'm looking forward to it since it has that version dropdown I've been thinking about implementing in guinget.
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 27, 2020
So I've tested out HandyWinGet-GUI v2.0 beta, and aside from looking a lot better and having the useful version dropdown thing, it seems to suffer from the same issue where the "latest version" of Aegisub isn't really the latest version.
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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • November 30, 2020

(Yes, I left this tab open for several days just for this joke. Thanks for constantly trying to load ads and using up almost 7 GB of RAM when I'm doing literally nothing on the page, Google.)
(screenshot of uBlock origin showing that it has greater than 9k ads blocked on YouTube, specifically 9,136, or 59% of the page)

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 1, 2020
Bug hunting is just repeated, "What if I do thi- oh no!"

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profile picture    Drew Naylor @DrewTNaylor • December 2, 2020
Funny how I managed to publish a new version of guinget the same day Microsoft published a new version of both winget and apparently PowerToys. Busy day for updates.

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